
Garden Journal 2013

Still continuing my efforts to keep records of just what goes on in my garden out here in a bushland setting in a dry tropics corner of north-eastern Australia.  Recording the events helps me to reflect and ponder on the successes and failures, and hopefully learn more about how to create a garden I can truly enjoy.

Garden Journal entry ... Week 4, 2013 ... mid-summer

Garden Journal entry ... Week 5, 2013 ... mid-summer

 Garden Journal entry ... Week 7, 2013 ... end of summer

 Garden Journal Entry ... Week 10, 2013 ... early Autumn

Garden Journal Entry ... Week 12, 2013 ... early Autumn

Garden Journal Entry ... Week 26, 2013 ... early Winter

Garden Journal Entry ... Week 32, 2013 ... end of Winter

Garden Journal Entry ... Week 43, 2013 ... mid-Spring

more to come ....

1 comment:

  1. i can recognise most of d plants u featured in your other words ...we do have a lot of common plants...but i envy d fact that there r so many more that u can grow..which i simply cant.... pansies/violas for example....will never grow n bloom in my garden... but i notice u have them blooming cheerily... aahh sooo beauuutiful... siiiggghhh... wish i can grow them too!


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