Friday, July 15, 2011

It's A Downunder Mid-Winter Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day

The delightful winter days continue here in my corner of Downunder.  Winter here is warm and mild compared to many other corners of Australia.  We did have what we refer to as 'cold days' a few weeks back, when the mercury got down around 20 deg C during the day and dipped below 10 deg C overnight.

But that all seems a distant memory right now, as our daytime temperatures hover once again around the 25 deg C mark, and nightimes are a pleasant 14 - 17 deg C.

The only downside is of course, that our dry season began just on six weeks ago now.  In that time it's rained sporadically on six of those days, totalling just 35 mm or 2 inches.

There has been an unexpected surprise out in my garden this month.  My lovely Tabebuia impetiginosa tree is usually covered in blooms at this point in our winter months, but after the damage and distress inflicted on the tree by the cyclone that swept through here earlier this year, I was not expecting any blooms at all this year.  Mother Nature has decided that was not to be the case.

Despite the fact that there is only a smattering of flowers on the tree, I'm overjoyed to see any at all.

Another fantastic surprise comes from my neighbour's white Bauhina tree which is hanging over the fence into our yard.  There are blooms of this tree for the very first time and I get to enjoy them as well.  It's just wonderful to see the brilliant white flowers as I drive down the driveway after work.  I'm missing the usual display on my own white Bauhinia which is in recovery mode, so it's a real treat to spot these shared treasures.

Isn't Mother Nature kind sometimes?

Meanwhile, out in the tiered garden beds,

I'm seeing the first ever blooms appearing on my Dietes bicolor ...

... and my tiny little surviving red Kalanchoe blossfeldiana has started its lovely display.

The dwarf Euphorbia pulcherrima is in bloom ...

... and the pink is my favourite!

This time last year I had far more annuals on display out in the courtyard garden, but things are slightly behind this mid-Winter after the rocky start to the year.  Still, there are the beginnings of an annual show for this year.

Osteospermum 'Ecklonis', Elatoir Begonia, Antirrhinum 'Velveteen' and 'Strawberry Crush', Torenia, Verbena, Petunia, Violas and Pansy.

It's terrific to see the first little blooms on some of my Salvia splendens 'Dusky Hues'.  I adore the shades in this mix.

I'm also loving the vibrant flowers of these Viola 'Petite Citrus'.

Here's another lovely surprise out in my courtyard.

It's wonderful to see the first blooms on my Strobilanthes dyerianus, which I had cut down to almost nothing in a desperate attempt to re-vitalise and re-invigorate a very lanky, lack-lustre plant.

There's splashes of purple and pink from ...
... Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender' and

my candy pink Azaleas.

Just as well I like having lots of purple in my garden.

Elsewhere there are blooms on the Aechmea, the Fittonia 'Red Vein', the Caliente Pelargonium, the Gomphrena globosa, the Anegelonia angustifolia and the Begonia semperflorens.

For some fabulous posts for this Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day, go and visit Carol at  May Dreams Gardens


  1. Your winter is a delightful feast for the eyes! The blooms of the Tabebuia tree are really pretty. I'm glad this tree survived the storm and is recovering well.

  2. Isn't it amazing how plants can recover from even severe damage? I'm glad your Tabebuia has returned to health (and splendour). I love all your other blooms as well, but it is definitely the favourite.

    Oh... and I love your new header

  3. You would never know that your Strobilanthus had to be cut lush and beautiful! In fact, all of your blooms are colorful! Happy GBBD!

  4. You sure don't get a break from gardening in your winter :) The flowers are so beautiful with so many different shapes and forms. I see that you've featured my favourite plectranthus again Mona Lavender......... it looks like tiny little orchid blooms.

  5. A lovely collection. I'm a little jealous that your winters are warmer than our summers - I won't be able to show anything as good next January. I've only the one Plectranthus - a variegated one called 'Sasha' - but love the flowers on them. I must see if I can get one of those Strobilanthes when I replace my old, wrecked greenhouse.

  6. You have a great variety of flowers and colour. Your photos are super too. Kelli

  7. Debsgarden, it's been a pleasure seeing just these few blooms on my Tab. It's cheered me up no end.

    Ros, yes it's been delightful to see the recovery of so many plants since February. I'm amazed the Tab has bothered flowering at all this year.

    Sagebutterfly, that Strobilanthes has been a disappointment ever since I got it about a year ago now. Despite the fact it's flowered, I'm not sure it will actually flourish and look good. Fingers crossed!

    Rosie, I just couldn't leave out the Plectranthus. It's been flowering its little heart out for me.

    John, yes our winters here would be considered very warm by a northern hemisphere dweller. A variegated Plectranthus sounds terrific. I'll have to keep an eye out for it in one of your posts.

    Kelli, thanks so much for visiting and leaving your kind comment.

  8. Your blooms are beautiful, but those skies you have been showing are giving the flowers a run for the money. What spectacular color. Happy GBBD.

  9. Wow, your blooms are beautiful. I wish we had winters like yours.

  10. Your gardens are truly glorious - love the Tabebuia blooms!

    Thanks for the beautiful tour!

  11. You have SO much more going on in your winter garden than I do! Really stunning!
    Happy GBBD :)

  12. Your blooms are beautiful. Isn't it wonderful how nature can recover from damaging typhoons? I know you were thrilled to see those plants come back.

  13. Your gardens are so beautiful! You are so fortunate to be able to have blooms all year round. Even in winter your gardens look amazing! Looks like paradise to me. Happy GGBD!

  14. You have such beautiful blooms this month! I like having lots of purple in my garden too (which is sometimes difficult when you tend to only grow tomatoes and squash). Looks like what you did to the Strobilanthes dyerianus worked, because it looks great!

  15. Hey Bernie: Such exotic tree blooms, the pink trumpety ones remind me of those on the horse chestnuts here in US. Question: Do you have hummingbirds in Australia? It seems they would love that kind of flower.

  16. aloha bernie

    what a riot of colors in your garden, yeah the tabebuia is blooming of my favorite trees also.

  17. I love to see in your posts flowers that are quite unusual to us in Canada blooming so beautifully in their natural environment. Beautiful. V

  18. Wow, mid-winter is full of blooms in Australia! Happy Bloom Day.

  19. What scrumptious blooms Bernie...especially the flowering trees... wow! Larry

  20. Winter, nay,can't be, not with flowers like that!

  21. Bernie, It's wonderful to see all your winter blooms. And how nice to see plants recovering from all the storm damage. Your winter temperatures are very similar to our summer temperatures here in Maine -- about 25-30 during the day and 12-15 overnight. -Jean

  22. hi Bernie, i thought i've commented here yesterday, now when i visited again there's none, maybe i clicked something wrong. Anyway, i love that white Bauhinia, if only it is not a tree i will be planting it too. But that pansy is a favorite, whatever its colors are. Do they grow even when you have 29 to above 30C? If it can survive that heat, then i might try it too! thanks.

  23. Thanks so much everyone! Your kind comments are much appreciated.

    Now to answer a couple of questions:

    Rhonda, no we don't have Hummingbirds here in Oz.

    Andrea, the Pansies don't last in the summer here. I only grow them from late Autumn, through to the end of Spring ... maybe into early Summer. I grow most of my annuals during the Autumn to Spring period, and not in the Summer. As you know, it's usually way too hot, too humid and too wet.

  24. Hi Bernie; you have such a wonderfully big selection of flowering plants. They all have so well recovered. The pink Tabebuia is really a beautiful sight and I can understand your delight.
    Also think the white orchid flower of the Bauhinia tree is gorgeous. Mine flowers much later in spring. Like the Euphorbias and this dwarf pink one is special. I never can say no to the violas.
    Your Salvia splendens mix is very pretty, unusual colours.
    It is a delight to see all your plants. I also enjoyed your beautiful birds in the garden. The photos are fantastic.

  25. Beautiful blooms and gardens. I'm a new follower, would appreciate if you'd follow back. Thanks.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  26. Bernie, a sight for sore eyes, your Winter garden has more to offer than our Summer one, so exotic. Dont think I would survive the heat of your Summer though.

  27. Such beautiful flowers. You make gardening look easy.

  28. I so enjoyed wandering through your flower gardens today and wonder how a winter like that would feel. It must be amazing to be surrounded by so much beauty. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  29. Bernie!
    What a show! I feel like I need to go get some popcorn and purchase tickets! LOL
    What a gorgeous set of flowers...and in 'winter' to boot. You are so fortunate not to have to worry about frost. Only the very southern tip of Texas near Brownsville can claim frost free winters (usually).
    I need to look in to finding a Plectranthus 'Mona Lavender'. Are they perennials or annuals? It has the flavor of an orchid.
    Happy GBBD from David/Tropical Texana

  30. Such beautiful colours, but your white Bauhina tree is my absolute favorite.

  31. The blooms are so beautiful, your garden must really be looking lovely with such wonderful blooms around.

  32. it.

  33. I am amazed by all the mid-winter lovely blooms you are surrounded by. While in Rome I met a couple who live in Australia but return to their property outside Rome each Aussie winter. They told me they moved there for the weather. It must be so pleasant year round where you live!

  34. Bernie, congratulations on your tree blooming! How wonderful for you. The rest of the garden is not to be disregarded either. It looks to be in full color mode despite the "cold days" and the rains. When will you treat us to another video of your garden?

  35. Such beautiful blooms. Thanks for visiting my blog. It has been a joy to visit yours....

  36. Can you please post a picture of the almost white Caladium you have.


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