Thursday, March 15, 2012

On A Beginning-of-Autumn Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day ... March 2012

Here in Oz it's the beginning of our Autumn but in the tropical areas, like mine, there are no fabulous foliage displays and colourful changing of the season.  Things are pretty much exactly as they were all through Summer.  We still have the summery weather, summery conditions and summery blooms.

There are just a couple of blooms that have appeared in the last week or so though.  I now have blooms on two of my Orchids out in the shadehouse garden.

 This is an unknown ...

... and I think this is a Dendrobium.  I'm not much of an Orchid expert!

In a different corner of the shadehouse, 

there are a few stunning white flowers on my Hedychium coronarium or white Ginger.  The perfume from these blooms is wonderfully sweet and heady.

Out in the front yard I'm seeing the first ever blooms on the Koelreuteria formosana or Golden Rain Tree,

and the Duranta repens growing out in the tiered garden beds is dripping with bright orange berries once more after a very long hiatus.

Apart from those few differences though, things are pretty much as they have been.

So here are the blooms that have been on display for the last couple of months and are still out in the garden today.

Lots of oranges and yellows.

Quite a few pinks and purples.

Some reds and whites.

I'm joining Carol for her Garden Blogger's Bloom Day meme


  1. Your garden is really beautiful! In my country summer is finishing too , and it is still hot, hot, and hot,but the gardens here at the moment are splendid! I´m from Uruguay(south America) and we are waiting for autumn to come!!! besos. Lilián.-

    1. Thanks for visiting Lilian. Autumn here is the beginning of the best time of year for the garden. I can't wait for the temperatures to drop and the cooler days to arrive. It's still far too hot to do much in the garden at the moment.

  2. I love the colors in your garden especially the oranges and yellows. And to be able to grow orchids outdoors. Wow.

    1. Thanks Mary. Yes my few Orchids all grow outdoors in my shadehouse garden and I really don't do anything to look after them. Thankfully they don't seem to need my help to stay alive or to bloom!!

  3. Great pictures. Thanks for sharing them. I especially like the orchids and all the beautiful orange blooms. The mosaic-style framing is very creative and a great to show them in color tones. Great job.

    1. Andi, I'm glad you enjoyed your visit here. The orange flowers do make a great display in the garden right now.

  4. Hi Bernie
    Stunning orchids, and as for the Hedychium coronarium it's gorgeous. Love the pinks and purples and the yellows and oranges reds and whites ..... you know me if it flowers its all good.

    1. Sue, soon there will be gorgeous flowers in your garden! Can't be too far away now.

  5. Oh one of my orchids had buds too - but they are not quite open yet. we are still having sooo much rain I am really really ready for this wet season to end! It seems to be going on forever this year. That white ginger smells wonderful doesn't it? don't you wish we could install scratch and smell buttons on our blogs :) I ventured out into the soggy yard to take some photos for bloom day this month too.

    1. Africanaussie, I have to agree. The wet season does seem to be dragging on and on this year. We haven't had a great deal of the torrential rain though thankfully. We do get heavy falls but most of the time it's just decent showers. The white Ginger does have the most beautiful perfume. It's filling the shadehouse at the moment so I enjoy a little stroll through there when I get home after a long day at work.

  6. Just gorgeous! Referencing the 'oranges and yellows', can you tell us what the name of that lovely little flower is growing beside the rocks that looks like a yellow daffodil with a ruffled orange center?

    1. Hi Sandy, that orange and yellow flower you're referring to is a Portulaca bloom. I've had that particular variety for many years now and I'm afraid I have no idea of its varietal name. I can't remember it actually having one when I got it a few years ago. They're so easy to strike and I just keep on getting new plants every year.

  7. You have such a beautiful range of blooms in every color of the rainbow. It makes me very impatient with my garden, where everything just seems same old same-oh. I know - patience is a virtue!

    1. Not much longer to go now, Jayne. Fingers crossed bloom time is just around the corner.

  8. aloha bernie,

    beautiful show and yes that is a sweet looking dendrobium :)

    1. Thanks so much Noel. It is a fabulous little Dendrobium bloom isn't it? I'm always so pleased to see those flowers.

  9. Your garden is looking just lovely, Bernie. I love your mystery orchid.

    1. Marisa, I've searched google images of Orchids until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer, but I've had no luck at all in identifying what that Orchid is. Still that doesn't detract from my enjoyment of the gorgeous flower.

  10. Beautiful, beautiful! I love that you have a kaleidoscope of colors in your garden. Love that pic of the orange berries.

    1. Glad you enjoyed your visit, HolleyGarden. Those Duranta berries are literally dragging the branches to the ground at the moment. The shrub is simply covered in them.

  11. Quite stunning! I love how you grouped the blooms by color. I remember the lush tropical flowers in gardens when I visited family near Brisbane - wonderful trip - but yours really take the cake! Thanks for dropping in on my few paltry blooms -- not a good year for us weather wise! - and thanks for a peek into your very different world down under!

    1. Country Mouse, I know how fantastic your garden looks during the Spring and Summer though. Not too far off now. Your paltry blooms right now will give way to some fabulous wildflowers and natives.

  12. So many many gorgeous blooms still in your garden! Wonderful show!

    1. Thanks for popping by Christine. Thankfully there have been quite a few stayers through the rainy season this year.

  13. Outdoor orchids....sigh...just imagine if I could grow that here in London!! My orchids are confined to the kitchen window sill, and I do have a dendrobium, a Dendrobium kingianum, but it has never flowered after I bought it, not enough hours of sun. Your photos are gorgeous and as usual, some plants I have never even heard of :-)

    1. Helene, I know we do tend to take for granted things like being able to grow Orchids outdoors. To us, it's commonplace, but it's nice to be reminded just how lucky we are. I think your Orchid may take quite some time to bloom again, because as you have noted, it really does need lots of sunlight to show its true colours.

  14. Hi Bernie,
    I'll bet your flowers stay happy all year long in your wonderful garden. Don't you wish they could speak. And in way, they do. They say, look at me! I love the way your group them in color mosaics. I love to say..the music adds so much. I will add music to my garden blog this summer when I'm done with teaching and can devote some time to it.

    1. David, I'm not sure they stay all that happy through the dry season, but I do my best to get them through. Some do give up the ghost during our wet too of course. Luckily so far, the wet has been an experience all the plants have handled well this year.

  15. I always heard Duranta made berries, but mine never did. It really is a plant with a lot of interest for us and insects. Happy GBBD. Love your orchids.

    1. Donna, the bees and butterflies love the Durantas flowers. There are a few birds that just love the berries too. All in all, the Durantas do attract a lot of wildlife.

  16. Bernie; outstanding and beautiful, the orchids and love the white ginger, so tropical and fresh. when I see your flowering plants I can hardly believe your garden has been hit and had so much damage by the cyclone. How did you do it, sing to them or play the violin? T♥

    1. Huh, it's taken just over a year for the garden to recover. I don't know about singing or playing the violin. I think a bit of dreary violin music might have been heard when I was walking around complaining and moaning for most of last year because of the state the garden was in. Now it's turned the corner and I'm out there with a bit of a cheerier face and outlook. Thankfully the plants didn't pick up on all those negative vibes!!!

  17. Replies
    1. Thanks for stopping by, Greggo. Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  18. I like the yellow and orange flowers you have in your garden a lot :-D I cannot imagine how wonderful they are in real.

    1. It might be the light in the tropics, Stephanie, but somehow the oranges and yellow really do stand out. I love them in the garden and I definitely need more!

  19. Lovely and I can't believe that it's now autumn with you. See your golden rain tree - is it normal to have to wait so long for blooms or is your tree quite new in your garden?


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