Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Time To Wander Around.

It's been a while since I did my last video diary, so I thought it was about time I caught up with this aspect of my blog.  Right now it's our first Winter month and the beginning of our 'dry' season.  The potted plants out in both the courtyard and the shadehouse have had time to recover from the 'wet' and most are therefore looking a lot happier and healthier.

I took a stroll around the Courtyard Garden, and then continued on into the Shadehouse Garden today at around midday.  It was a glorious early Winter's day ... blue skies, fluffy white clouds and lots of bird song in the background.  It was the perfect opportunity to catch up and see what the state of play is out in the garden spaces located right beside my house.

So, here goes ... first of all you will need to scroll right down to the bottom of the page and stop the playlist music from playing ....  then get ready for the Aussie drawl! 

First I take a wander around my Courtyard Garden ....

... and now I wander on through my Shadehouse Garden.

So, that's it ... a warts-and-all look at what's going on in my favourite garden spaces.


  1. Hi Bernie, It was lovely to sit here with my morning cuppa and "wander" through your garden. You say you’re not much of a garden designer or planner but you truly have a talent for putting plants together. I think the true skill of a gardener is their love of plants and you go to the top of the class! Your garden is a little paradise. What ever your doing keep doing it.

    1. You're so sweet, thank you Sue. It's great to hear you enjoyed the wander as well. As I said on the video I'm a bit of a plant nut and I'm now looking forward to seeing loads more blooms out in the courtyard as we get closer to our Spring.

  2. It is great to hear your voice. And as always, your gardens are beautiful.

    1. Thank you Mary. I hope the Aussie drawl wasn't too hard on the ears.

  3. Dear Bernie.
    It´s really wonderful to ´stroll´ around your gardens with you, hearing your lovely voice too. Wow, what an amazing mix of plants! You sure do know how to arrange them, so they all suit each other. Lovely. It must be absolutely wonderful coming home from work, taking a walk in your garden, peacefully and relaxed, forgetting the world around you. Ouh, I can almost sense the atmosphere by watching these videos, that special smell of the plants and flowers. Lucky you Bernie. Thank you soooo much for sharing. You´re very inspiring.
    While watching your videos I´s thinking about this, I once read; ´Plants reflect the attention you give them. If you look after them they respond. If you don´t they´ll sulk.` Your plants all look very very happy ;0)
    My best regards, Iris.

    1. Iris, it is quite wonderful coming home after a long day at work and wandering around the courtyard and the shadehouse. It is indeed a very peaceful and relaxing place we have here and I'm thankful every day to be able to live here. I'm so glad you enjoyed the wander around too. I have to admit I do lavish quite a bit of attention on the plants and I often have a little chat with them!!!

  4. Hi Bernie...it's nice to hear your voice and your Aussie drawl. Nothing wrong with that...and we have a southern drawl. I once heard it referred to as "cotton mouth". Lovely garden...lots of hard work on your part.

    1. "Cotton mouth" doesn't sound very complimentary, lol! Of course the Aussie drawl does differ a little between states and between town and country here. Thanks for visiting Jean.

  5. Whenever i look at your plants, i am always reminded that your part of Australia is the best! No matter what we do with ours they dont get the lushness your plants show!

  6. I appreciate your lovely comment, thanks Aaron. Yes I am so fortunate to have lovely garden spaces around me here at home. It's my little sanctuary.

  7. Bernie the southern drawl changes here as well. All depends on where you are from!

  8. Hi Bernie, I really enjoy strolling through your Courtyard and Shadehouse garden, with your narration as a guide. A wonderful array of flowering plants and foliage arrange harmoniously together. A delightful little Eden.

  9. Great garden Bernie - A dream for many
    Its especially good to see all those containers and pots filled with colour.
    And your photo's are pretty darn good too.
    Thanks for sharing


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