Saturday, October 17, 2009

My Place - Part 1: The Garden Areas At My Place

My place is situated on a property that is located on the side of a rocky hill. Half of the property is bushland and there is bushland on either side of our place as well.

Most of the plants on the property have to be quite drought and heat hardy as we do not get much rain during the year here and our summer temperatures can be very high. High humidity levels during summer is also another factor that influences the choice of plants.

The property is basically rock - garden beds had to be built up and soil brought in when planting was begun.

There are garden beds on either side of the long driveway into the property ... and these are filled with mainly Golden Cane Palms, russelia, duranta repens and crotons. 

There is a very long garden bed beside the cement driveway that winds down the hill beside the eastern side of our house ... it contains a Lagerstroemria speciosa,  Plumeria obtusas and a Plumeria rubra, Cadaghi gums, a Monstera deliciosa, a Callistemon citrinus, a Fiddlewood tree, a Murraya paniculata shrub and lots of giant sword fern.

There are two beds at the front of the house ... they contain Acalyphas, Ardisia crenata, Galphimia Glauca, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Combretum constrictum, Mussaenda philippica, Mussaenda glabra, Azalea and Allamanda.

There is a large screening bed at the back of the house containing Ixora, Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, Acalyphas, Croton, Cycas revoluta, Mussaenda philippica, Allamanda cathartica, Pyllanthus multiflora.

There is also a courtyard garden at the back of the house where I grow my potted plants. This space also has a small area of ferns and palms under a pergola to one side of the courtyard.

Then there is a greenhouse/nursery area filled with plants that need some shelter from the hot midday/afternoon sun - ferns, impatiens, coleus, begonias, irises.

There are two raised garden beds in the downstairs area on the eastern side of the house which contain Pentas, Serissa foetida and dwarf Murraya paniculatas. 

For Part 2 ... All About My Place ... please click on this link My Courtyard Garden

1 comment:

  1. It's such a lovely website and it's makes one so welcome and feels like in a story land. It makes my day of searching plants,pic galleries and ideas worth it (to stumble upon by accident this website beautifully done just like garden) for my yard in Pasadena, California. This evening we are meeting with a landscaper and definitely your website is going to be a tremendous help for me in planning and making decision. I can linger around this site for my entire day....:) Thanks so much, Bernie H. and have a beautiful day in your lovely garden.


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