Monday, December 20, 2010

Wishing All A Fabulous Festive Season.

Sending warm Season's Greetings to all my blog readers.  Of course, here in Oz, we celebrate Christmas in our early Summer, so it's hot and steamy.  I'm looking forward to spending time with family and friends ... and most especially, spending time with my beautiful grandchildren.  I hope you all have a wonderful Happy Christmas with your loved ones.

This blog was started just over a year ago more out of curiousity than anything else.  I had joined a couple of terrific social networking garden websites and, as a result, was starting to learn the 'real' names of the plants in my garden and taking much more of an interest in how to care for them.  I felt the need to start journaling these learning experiences ... and starting a blog seemed like a wonderfully exciting and fun way to do just that.  Of course, I would also be exercising this old woman's brain just a little by participating in this new area of communication technology!

 (photo from the post that received my first ever comment)

My first ever comment arrived in mid-November 2009 for my Green, Green Everywhere Is Green post (thank you Alice!) and I was completely taken aback!  Then in January this year I started receiving just a couple of comments for almost every post I completed.  I was completely amazed that my blog posts would be of an interest to others at all!    I don't consider myself a 'writer' ... there are some outstanding blog writers around and I'm in awe of their wonderful talent ... and I don't consider myself an expert gardener whose writing to impart great wisdom garnered from years and years of experience.  I'm more of a journal keeper ... I'm just recording what's in my garden and telling something about the experiences I have in this particular garden.

(a photo from the most popular post on this blog so far The Courtyard Garden - My Favourite Space)

Having only written 67 posts on this blog, I still have my 'L' plates on, but it has, I must say, been an absolute joy meeting gardeners from all over the world and visiting all sorts of amazing, interesting gardens.  Little did I know when I first attempted a post, just how much I would enjoy this gardening blogging gig!

 (photo from the plant specific post that has been the most popular so far

So thank you to all who have visited, made comments, signed the Guestbook and contributed to opening up a whole new wonderful world for me ... I appreciate it immensely!  May all your gardens bloom and flourish and I look forward to the new blogging year that's fast approaching!


  1. Merry Christmas, Bernie! Blogging has opened up new worlds for all of us! People who don't blog don't quite understand it, I suppose. This garden network is so amazing and it truly is amazing! Don't melt in all that heat! I wouldn't mind if you could send just a little my way;-)

  2. I enjoyed your mosaic, and your garden is so pretty!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. You've only been blogging for just a YEAR? Oh my, I'm so amazed....I was thinking maybe 4 years! I think of you as one of the veterans.
    Your garden is just amazing. I want to just stare at the pictures and figure out if there's any hope of making my garden a little better organized like yours.
    Now here's how we are identical; when I got my first comment I was equally amazed. But what really still astounds me are the number of visitors from other countries. Isn't Garden Blogging fun? Merry Christmas from David/ Tropical Texana/ Houston (only 6 months old in garden blog time)

  4. Your last three pics of your wonderful garden gave me lots of inspiration for mine. I love the way to arrange them together. Flowers, ferns and trees... oh they look so beautiful. I am sure your family is going to love your garden a lot this Christmas. Blessed Christmas to you and your family!

  5. Hello Bernie, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Hope more blessings come your way. I always come here because we share lots of plants and conditions, and most of the time i envy yours for their health looking beauty. Of course, you write well, it comes with age, hehe! And do you know one thing i envy most from you...your knowledge of making collages, which till now i've not ventured to learn yet! haha. May you be fully blessed!

  6. Jan ... I would love to help you out with a little of our heat as we sure could spare some!

    Thanks, Dishesdone!

    Hi David ... yes I agree wholeheartedly, blogging is great fun! You're doing very well for a relative newcomer ... your garden looks terrific to me and I enjoy visiting.

    Stephanie ... I'm try my best to make the spots out in the Courtyard Garden and the Greenhouse Garden full of interest at varying heights. It makes it more of a feast for the eyes.

    Aaron, thanks for visiting and Merry Christmas to you and your family!

    Andrea ... it's always lovely to see you here. As for making mosaics, that's easy. You should try it out ... I use Picasa which is free to upload and loads of fun to use.

  7. Hi, Bernie. I am so thankful you became a blogger and we have one more gardening enthusiast to share our love with. It's been a wonderful year knowing more about you and your beautiful garden down under. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Your's definitely a warm golden Christmas!

  8. Isn't it amazing when you get that first comment, and then when others begin to comment and start to show you how lovely your gardens really are? I came to your blogs later, and have enjoyed them a lot. You may be surprised that your posts generate so much interest but I am not... they're well done and beautiful.

    Thanks for faving me and my blog on Blotanical. It's an honor!

  9. I found you through Blotanical and I am hooked. I love that we have a lot of plants in common (Texas) but of course not at the same time. I have the same hibiscus and we call it Hawaiian or Waltzing Ladies here. Hope you have a great holiday season and many more blog posts to share.

  10. Well, how fun to find out what on earth an "L" plate is! (Had to google that after reading it.) Wish they had such a thing here in the U.S.! My boys sure could've used one!

    I stumbled upon blogging almost a year ago myself and do it exactly for the same reason: journaling. I truly wish I had been doing it for the past 20 years, as I do miss my old gardens. But wait, the internet wasn't even around 20 years ago!

    Anyway, Merry Christmas to you, and Happy Belated Bloggiversary!

  11. Hi Bernie when I come over to this blog or your other one I know that I am always going to be greeted by such colourful flowers and amazing wildlife.

    Have a lovely Christmas and New year with your family :) and thanks for the fave today.

  12. Happy Christmas Bernie and best wishes for 2011
    cheers Ian

  13. Thank you, Bernie, for sharing your garden with us! It is delightful, and I love reading about gardening in another part of the world. I was also intimidated at first, thinking I could contribute nothing that much more qualified experts had not already posted about. I finally realized what I had was my own garden and my own experience, and I am thrilled when other gardeners share their gardens and experiences with me. The blogosphere makes that possible. I am so glad you are part of it.

    Merry Christmas! May you and your family be blessed.

  14. Autumn Belle ... I'm so glad I started the blog as I've come to know so many lovely souls like yourself with the same love of gardening!

    Laurrie ... I'll say the same right back to you. I'm not surprised people drop by to visit your blog to have the chance to visit a beautiful garden and gardener!

    Tufa Girl ... I think it's great to find gardeners on the other side of the world growing the same plants and yet experiencing completely different seasons! It's great learning about the similarities and the differences.

    Floridagirl ... spot on! I'm so glad I've had a go at using blogging because not only have I learned a great deal about other gardens, but I've really learned loads about my own garden!

    Rosie ... I can say, without reservation, that your gardening blog is an absolute inspiration ... and I just love your photography!

    Ian, thank you for your Christmas wishes! I'll be seeing you in the new gardening year.

    Deb ... the sentiments exactly the same for me. It's such a great experience being able to share our gardens and gardening disasters or triumphs. I'll be looking forward to many more of your great posts.

  15. Blogland is great fun and I'm so glad that you're in it. I always enjoy seeing what's happening in your garden. Have the Merriest of Christmases...what a way to kick off summer!

  16. More wonderful pictures Bernie! Season's Greetings and looking forward to following you Down Under in 2011.

  17. Happy Blog Anniversary Bernie! Yours is a special garden and you are a great piece in the puzzle of the worldwide garden blogging community. I have so enjoyed visiting your world! Your garden is fabulous and from the looks of your plants, I would never know you were not a highly trained horticulturalist. Happy Summer Solstice (I hope things cool off for you soon!)and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Best Wishes for the New Year!!

  18. Bernie,

    Happy Christmas! I've missed my Australia connection, sorry not to be dropping by as often. Loving all the color and lushness as we're having wet, wet weather and a period of dormancy.

    All best for 2011, xoxo

  19. Dear Bernie, your Dry Tropics Garden is always so blooming lovely and warm and each visit brings a new delight. Love the Christmas collages with the delightful addition of your once-upon-a-time little ones.

    Assumed you'd been blogging for much longer as your narrative and beautiful images always have something new or informative for your readers - not forgetting Bush Bernies Garden blog either!

    So a Happy Blogoversary and a very Happy Christmas - see you in 2011 f0r many more posts

    p.s. And thank you for supporting my blog with picks, comments and re-tweets :)

  20. Well said Bernie. The world is a smaller and (feels like) a better place.

    You grandchildren look adorable and your garden looks wonderful.

    Merry Christmas!

  21. Merry christmas to you and your family!! These pictures are absolutely wonderful.. your garden must be an immense source of joy to you!

  22. Hi Bernie, I feel as if I have known you for more than a year, and you have become a valued cyberfriend. I love visiting your blog, and you have a lovely garden. So happy new year, and I look forward to many more bloggy interactions in 2011. cheers, catmint

  23. Hi Bernie, I've been wondering if it's still hot there. I just put my new fleece electric blanket on the bed last night along with my fleece sheets - nice and comfy, cozy, warm!!


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