Friday, May 21, 2010

Sunrise in the Bush.

Here in my spot out in the bushland of north-eastern Oz, the weather has turned.  Autumn is nearly over and Winter is approaching.  The temperatures have dropped below 30 degrees C, the days are clear and sunny and the humidity is very low.

As we approach Winter, the sunrises have been spectacular this past week ... and I thought I would share some of the photos I've managed to take quite early in the morning.  That's nothing short of an amazing feat for me ... as I'm not a lover of really early mornings and you won't find me jumping up out of bed when it's still quite dark!

For other brilliant Skywatch Friday post, please make sure you visit Skywatch Friday - Skies From All Over The Planet


  1. Hello Bernie! Nice sky. Autumn/winter is approaching? Would the tropical plants be ok to stay outside? I wonder if you need to bring in all your plants. But I hope not.

    Meanwhile, enjoy every last bit of summer ;-)

  2. Stunning photographs of that sky over the bush!

  3. so perfect setting to wake up to!

    what are you looking for?

    have a great day!
    PS: now a follower

  4. Wow.. amazing shots!!! You captured beautifully..

    Mine sunset photo is up here

  5. stunning captures. love the different tones of colours in the sky.

  6. Lovely shots Bernie. One summer ends and another one begins, and looking forward to it too, dont think we will see much temperatures over the 30C here though.

  7. Wow Bernie what glorious sunrises. Worth getting up for. :-)

    Have a lovely weekend ~ FlowerLady

  8. Amazing skywatch photos, love the colors and the clouds. Great captures!

  9. I love it. The pink and orange colours are beautiful.

  10. Hi Bernie. Those colours are so intense and magical!
    Winter just dipping below 30c? Well, that sure shows the difference between Winter experienced in the north and south in our big land!

  11. Wonderful photos Bernie! The colors are so intense!

  12. Beautiful pictures there is something magical about a sunrise like that.

  13. Gorgeous! I really like the silhouettes of the leaves, trees, and horizon against the intense colors of the sunrise. Very nice.

  14. Bernie .. fantastic photos! Like something from an art gallery.

    Just how dramatic do your winters get? Or are they like the breath of fresh air that places in the US get, like Florida and Texas? Up here in the Midwest of the US - winter shows us 'who's boss'! -Shyrlene

  15. Hi Bernie, i read all your posts, and this sunset is what they say "with character". I haven't seen (i think) clouds like that in that magnitude and colors. Or maybe it is dramatization with camera settings, haha! Sometimes i can also unintentionally get sunsets or sunrise more beautiful than how they really look like! What about this one?

  16. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments.

    Andrea ... I'm no expert with camera settings. I have an old camera and it's set on 'Automatic'. I do know how to take macro-shots, but that's about all the fiddling I do with my camera!

    These shots were straight out of the camera ... the sky really did look exactly like this! That's why I rushed out of bed to get these shots ... lol, you'd never usually see me up that early otherwise!

  17. So, so pretty! I think I am moving to Australia. :)

  18. Spectacular sunrise shots! I am not an early morning person, but that is worth getting up for! As we go into summer, winter sounds pretty good to me!

  19. Bernie, these are such beautiful sunrises to start off the day with. I wish you can give us skywatch every Friday :)

    My Wordless Wednesday post about the Melody Plant is dedicated to you for being the first commenter of my Butterfly Flower post. Cheers!


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