Sunday, May 30, 2010

Taking A Wander Up The Hill Driveway.

The following are two videos showing what's growing on either side of our hill driveway  .... there's lots and lots of green!!!!  You'll get to see some of the trees and palms that are around this part of the property.


  1. Your garden is so green! I liked the hibiscus giving a splash of red. Was that a deer among the ferns? Your voie was not coming clearly in the video.

  2. Hi,
    I love your garden. Too see it, with your video, was great.

  3. Thanks Aaron, Lotusleaf and Ellada! Glad you enjoyed a quick peek as this part of my garden.

    Lotusleaf ... that was a wallaby hiding in amongst the ferns.

  4. You honestly live in heaven! What a gorgeous garden you have!

  5. Thanks Kimberly ... it's nice to hear you enjoyed the visit.

  6. Great videos Bernie
    Thanks for sharing

  7. How lovely to walk round your garden with you and see the interesting foliage and flowers as well as the sound of the birds.

  8. Ian ... thanks for dropping by.

    Joanne ... I'm so lucky to be able to have bird calls as the constant soundtrack to my life out here in the bush! I don't think there's too many times when I can't hear a bird call during the day.

  9. Bernie, I love your lush, tropical garden. You have an awesome palm collection! Your plants are also very familiar to me, even those eucalyptus. We've adopted many Aussie natives here in Florida, as they seem to love the growing conditions here. (Though I must acknowledge the melaleuca was a disaster as it proved to be horribly invasive.) Love the peeling bark of the eucalyptus trees, though I don't have one. The stables where my daughter rides has a hundred of them on the property. You are lucky to have so much shade and so much property to play with! And what fun visitors! Imagine a wallaby in the garden!

  10. What a treat! I liked hearing the sounds in your garden, and It was fun hearing your own voice as well! You have some wonderful plants. The trees that are shedding their bark, the hibiscus, and all of those ferns are terrific!

  11. Thank you for the beautiful tour. Your garden is so lush and I love all your trees with the bark shedding. Very pretty!!

  12. Bernie,

    How terrific to hear your voice! It's going to take some time to catch up on blog reading since being away, and the demands of the garden.

    But what a delight to watch the video. I'm so impressed with your landscape, and tech savvy!!

    Cheers, Alice

  13. Thanks for the video tour of your magnificent garden. Greens are refreshing! I enjoyed seeing that black butterfly flying around ;-)

  14. Floridagirl ... I do have a few palms around the property. I find the ones that grow here are very well suited to surviving dry tropic weather and conditions. They give the feel of a lush wet tropics garden though. We are lucky that we do have quite a bit of space where we live ... it's a wonderful spot.

    Debsgarden ... thanks for visiting. I'm glad I didn't scare you away with the Aussie accent!!

    Thanks Amy for your lovely comment. I do so love the gums ... at any time of year ... but right now when they're shedding, they add such a lot of interest to the garden. They also create great mulch!

    Alice ... I don't know about being 'tech savvy'! Lol ... I've just played around until it works! Thanks for visiting ... hope the accent wasn't too broad!

    Stephanie ... yes, you'll see lots and lots of green when you visit my garden. We've also had lots of that particular butterfly visiting lately.


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