Monday, November 5, 2012

Taking A Break For A Little While ... Be Back Soon.

Just taking some time out for a while.  I'll be back in a couple of weeks.  I thought I'd just leave you all with a mosaic of our fantastic native Planchonia careya or Cocky Apple, which is blooming away beautifully everywhere around me at the moment.


  1. What a lovely mosaic!

    Have a nice time away. May you be refreshed and relaxed.

    Hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. Thank you Flowerlady, unfortunately it won't be a relaxing break as I'm helping out family going through tough times right now. Of course I'm happy to be able to help out, but I'm not sure I'll be coming back with a cheery heart.

    2. Then may your garden welcome you back and help you to find your equilibrium again.

  2. Love the mosaic and your blog! Just found you and will be back for more!

    1. Thank you Lee. It's always great to 'meet' new people. I won't be adding posts for a couple more weeks, but I hope you enjoy my previous posts in the meantime. Will see you again soon.

  3. Have a great holiday/rest/whatever it is that you are off to do and see you when you get back :)

  4. Oh Dear Bernie,
    on your other blog I just wished you a great time! Here, I read you´re going to help out on a difficult and perhaps sorrowfull matter. I´m so sorry, sorry to hear about it, imagined you were going away on holyday ... I think it´s grand, to stand up and help another person in need.
    All my very best. Iris.

  5. Have a great break !!

  6. Bernie, take care until you come comes first.....will miss you.

  7. I'm sure you will bring all the wisdom of a gardener - patience, persistance and a love of life - to help you help those who need you. I'll look forward to seeing what's happening in your garden when the wet season starts.

  8. That's lovely Bernie, where are you having vacation now?

  9. Such a wonderful collage Bernieh, brings back happy memories of the NT. Such a magnificent flower on an inconspicuous tree.
    Hope you enjoyed your holiday and of course right now, summer holidays.


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