Sunday, January 10, 2010

Brunfelsia latifolia (syn. bonodora) - Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow shrub.

This is a lovely evergreen shrub which grows slowly to around 2-4 metres tall and 2 metres wide and likes a warm, sunny position . The foliage is dense and medium green in colour.

The attraction of this shrub is most definitely the wonderful perfumed masses of beautiful flowers that cover it during spring.  The flowers are very sweetly perfumed and when they first open they are a violet colour, fading to lavender blue and then white.

It is a striking shrub with the three colours present on the bush at the same time.


  1. Hi, my name is Lan Nguyen, I'm from Southern California, USA. I found your web site when i was searching for information for the "Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow flower" (I first saw this beautiful shrub at the Huntington Library near by my home and i love it). I just want to let you know your garden is so beautiful, it's very impressive!!!

  2. Hi, i am Justin. While searching for information on Yesterday, today and tomorrow plant i came across your site. Wonderful photos and information. This plant is available in Kerala, (Trivandrum district) in a plant nursery. Thanks for the posting...

    Justin Kumar J

  3. Bernie,
    do you notice any particular animal/bird/insect attracted to this plant?


    1. Hi LissaKoogz, in answer to your question ... I've only ever seen the occasional native Blue-banded Bee and the Common Eggfly Butterfly hovering around this shrub. Other than that, there doesn't seem to be any other creature particularly interested in the flowers.


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