Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Callistemon citrinus - Crimson Bottlebrush

One of the few native trees I have growing on my property is the Crimson Bottlebrush and one of its good points is that it will flower twice in one year if it is kept well-watered.  During the heat of the late summer and during the cool of early winter it will show off it's wonderful crimson flower spikes.

It's around 4 metres high and is very hardy under the dry, hot, sunny and sometimes wet conditions here.  The leaves give off a citrus scent when rubbed ... hence the common name.


  1. Hi Bernie, thanks for visiting my blog. Doesn't the climate make a huge difference between our gardens!

  2. Its amazing how versatile that callistemon citrinus is. I even have one growing against a swamp in the shade where it floods annually and it keeps plugging away. Its probably the best tree that Australia has to offer for Americans, and its not invasive here either!

  3. Hi Bernieh, lovely pictures. I must come back soon and look at them all and read your blog too.
    Have a nice day.M.

  4. We had a house built in Turkey last year and we are just starting to plant the garden with trees for the structure and bedders to fill the spaces until the trees start to take over. We have seen bottle brush trees for sale here and having spent time in Australia when we worked there (Adelaide) it will be a nice to grow one here as we have many happy memories of our time in Oz. The soil is well drained in Akyak (near Mugla) where we have the house and lots of sun so hope Callistemon Citrinus does well.

  5. Ian ... thanks for visiting. I'm sure that the Callistemon will do well for you ... they are tough plants and survive in such varied conditions.


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