Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Green and gold ... it's Australia Day!

A collage of some of the green and gold plants in my garden .... just to celebrate Australia Day!  Aussie, Aussie, Aussie ... oi, oi, oi!! 

Of course you can spot the acacias and crotons ... but there's also Nephrolepis falcate forma, Galphimia Glauca, Schefflera arboricala, Allamanda cathartica,  Bracteantha bracteata, Ming Aralia (Polyscias fruticosa), Caladium, Canna, Dracaena godseffiana, Ixora 'Sunshine Yellow', Osteospermum 'Tradewinds, Licuala ramsayi, Pyllanthus multiflora and Neomarica longifolia.

Now for something a little different .... here's a link to a great modern-day 'bush ballad' that gives a great perspective on how we feel about being Australian.



  1. Nice collage Bernie! Happy Australia Day!

  2. Thanks Stephanie ... Happy Australia Day!!

  3. Sorry Stephanie ... I meant to say it's been a lovely rainy Happy Australia Day! ... but I'm having trouble with my internet connection today.

  4. Yay! Happy Australia Day! That's a lovely patriotic addition to a gardening blog - thanks Bernie.
    Your collage is looks wonderfull too.

  5. A just in time 'Happy Australia Day' from me to Bernie! All that green and gold looks great. Heidi.

  6. Hello Bernieh,

    Happy Australia Day. We have been hearing about the celebration here in the States. Like you, we are able to grow many tropical plants in Arizona. Quite a few Australian natives are very popular as well...Acacias, Eremophilas, Cassias and the list goes on and on.

    I found you on Blotanical - "Welcome"

  7. Wonderful collage. Happy Australia Day! -Jean

  8. It was a great day, thanks Noelle and Jean. I appreciated your Australia Day greetings.

  9. Happy Australia Day! Your garden is beautiful and green, the collage lovely.

  10. A lovely contribution green and gold for Australia Day. I love yellow in the garden as it lights up the shady spots. Thanks for your fav. and welcome to Blotanical. I am always surprised how tough some plants are. My garden is still very dry. Last year the garden looked like paradise with all the rain we had. This year it was Paradise lost,with many month very dry.

  11. Thanks for your comment Autumn Belle ... I'm glad you enjoyed the collage. My garden can appear quite green in photos ... it's the choice of drought tolerant plants that results in the garden looking good during our long dry spell.

  12. Titania ... my garden is very, very dry for over nine months of the year. We only get a few weeks of rain over a whole year ... right now we're in the middle of summer and that's when we get our rain. For the rest of the year, my plants have to be great survivors in very dry conditions.


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